/ ►Wednesday, March 30, 2011 @ 10:41 PM
Had a pretty sucky week so far.. I think I'm just not getting enough sleep but too bad, I can't rectify that problem; it'll only escalate get worse.

Okay I guess I'm just blogging like that 'cuz I'm not exactly in the best mood. So.. bye.
/ ►Sunday, March 27, 2011 @ 9:13 PM

I don't quite know what to say about today. I woke up still feeling horribly exhausted and I think I might be getting sick.. My nose has been stuck since yesterday but I don't feel too bad physically.. I think? My eyes still feel small and swollen ): They've been like that since Friday, I think. They got so itchy I rubbed and rubbed until they hurt, what a loser. HAHAHA.

/ ►Saturday, March 26, 2011 @ 6:02 PM
Ahhhh. Had a fitful sleep last night and I'm superrrrr tired right now but hey, at least I feel better (: Ikr, I'm contradicting myself but that's okay!

Anywayz. Went for the Lit Symposium today with Roy, Vidhya, Eugene and a few of the other girls from the other classes taking H2 Lit (: It was awezzzzommmeee although it was incredibly sapping :/ The lecturers were cool and I'm glad I had the opportunity to go for this Symposium 'cuz apparently there won't be one next year HAHAHA. Unfortunately 2 out of the 3 texts that were lectured on today were texts that I hadn't read up on yet so... ): Hehe but never mind it's okay at least the notes will come in handy when I finally do the texts. WH was the most fascinating lecture, I think. It totally changed my viewpoint of it; WH is actually 'controlled' by the dogs, in a sense! Cooooliozzz.

Explode. / ►Thursday, March 24, 2011 @ 10:23 PM
I swear, I am almost at breaking point. Piano twice a week without warning? How am I going to get in any practise? Seriously.

My mind was churning so badly just now I couldn't even do my Math. Can someone tell me what to do, please. Omg !#76%#*!@(*!^$*(@Y. To think I was so happy just now. Why does it always have to happen like that? Why must I always feel like that after I feel happy? WHY WHY WHY. Why does it always have to be so drastic. Why. Why. Why. ANSWER ME.

Omg I AM SO SCREWED LA. I don't know what's going on in my mind. I desperately need to complete my homework, yet when I try to do it, I can't concentrate. Because I'm distracted. Not for the reasons you might think. There are just too many things happening right now. SHIT. Like, which position should I sacrifice. The dumb Chrystal one, or Lit rep, that I love so much? Heck. I don't care if being a subject rep doesn't reflect as well on my portfolio. TO HELL WITH CHRYSTAL. Crystal with a 'h'? Seriously?!

Overwrought. / ►Tuesday, March 22, 2011 @ 10:39 PM
I feel like I'm going to burst. Not good AT ALL. I don't know what's wrong with me. I've been feeling so scared lately. I realize I've been telling everyone I'm scared about something. Wts?! What's wrong with me, seriously. I HATE feeling like that. And why must it be that I'm perfectly fine in school; I can even comfort people, but when I come home it all hits me so hard?! Why why why.
/ ►Sunday, March 20, 2011 @ 10:46 PM
Hello everyone (:

Today was a much better day compared to yesterday. Church was awesome, somehow! (: And lunch with churchies was great although it was only 4 of us.

Kayzz I don't have much to say byeeee!!
/ ►Saturday, March 19, 2011 @ 5:58 PM
Had a pretty much um, not so good day today. Screwed performance class; now I have nowhere to hide my face. Maybe I'm just taking it too hard because I felt so terribly unprepared for my piece. I HATE MY BACH PIECE. I've been practising so hard for it but what use is it? It didn't help this time; and somehow I doubt it will for the next. Which, by then, would be too late. GOOD LUCK TO YOU, ABIGAIL.
/ ►Thursday, March 10, 2011 @ 8:49 PM
This is so screwed, I swear. You've moved from checking texts from people you're suspicious of (which, by the way, you have NO RIGHT to be), to checking texts from my close friends. Wtf. What the hell is wrong with you?! Can't you just let me be and let me have some freakin' privacy?! How many more years of this SHIT must I put up with? Tell me. I'm sick and tired of it. And DON'T come telling me you are too, 'cuz if you hadn't been so paranoid, NONE OF THIS WOULD BE HAPPENING NOW. Agree? Why yes, of course, because logically, there would be no other answer! You are just overreacting, in case you didn't know. Tell me something. What if I could prove to you that despite all these 'distractions' I'd still do decently? Would you have anything to say? I really don't think so. Oh and I really appreciate the added stress of having to prepare for my LTCL.

And hey, you know how I keep falling asleep at home right? Would you EVER consent to letting me study in school? NO! Why? Because you think I'll be doing some stupid hankypanky rubbish with 'all the wrong people'. Hey, THAT'S WHERE YOU'RE WRONG. VERY, SADLY, WRONG. Okay? Got that? Oh yes. And STOP talking to me like I'm not studying. Would you like to be in my shoes today? Oh yes! I think you should give it a shot! Go, go on! I'm sure you'd just love it. And being in my position includes experiencing all the SHIT you give me all the time, almost everyday. Do you know that you're adding unnecessary stress on me like that. Do you not see me struggling to keep awake and study every night? And you keep bugging me to sleep. What is wrong with you guys?! Seriously, like, stop contradicting yourselves.

Ahh whatever. FML is all I can say.
/ ►Tuesday, March 8, 2011 @ 10:20 PM

I'm so horribly lost for Math and Econs and I don't even have time to revise the notes, let alone read beforehand. JC's eating up my free time ): And now I have to prepare for my LTCL ahhhh O.M.G HELPPPPPPP ): I'm not even halfway through my preparation for all my pieces..

Kay I can't concentrate!
/ ►Thursday, March 3, 2011 @ 10:15 PM
I don't feel so tired today heh. Or at least, I'm tired but not falling asleep, which is good news! I managed to finish a substantial amount of homework; I'm so proud of myself (:

Gahhh. Why must you find out the people I talk to on msn? What does it matter if the people I talk to consist mainly of guys as compared to girls? Sigh. You guys have to seriously stop being so paranoid. TYVM.
/ ►Wednesday, March 2, 2011 @ 10:39 PM
I'm half deaddddd ): Goodness. How am I going to survive JC at this rate. PW hasn't even started!! Gahh.
/ ►Tuesday, March 1, 2011 @ 10:09 PM
Ahh. Emo-ed in the morning today HAHA. L said I looked awful! But it's okay, I'm over it now. Who cares, why brood?

The glass staircase stank like a wet market this morning I don't know why it was so horrible!

Kay I'm so annoyed with myself. I've been falling asleep over my work everyday and that makes me unable to concentrate which really, really sucks. Sigh.

Floorball tomorrow! And I'm so proud of myself. I played a World Math Day game and I was initially lagging behind those other dudes from other countries but I WON THEM HAHAHAH :D :D